
Our Vision & Values

Our Vision 

 Growing Stronger Together  


At Otterton Church of England Primary school we believe in supporting all members of our community to enable and inspire them to grow as confident, independent learners, fully equipped and ready for life’s challenges. Much like the parable of the Mustard seed (Matthew 13:31–32) we believe that given guidance and support even the smallest can flourish and achieve. 

Our Vision is built around the strong Christian beliefs of Wisdom, Dignity, Community and Hope 

Our school Values 

Hope, Compassion, Thankfulness, Respect, Trust and Courage.  

At Otterton C of E Primary School we believe that everyone in our school and community can flourish and grow. The role of our Ethos group & School Council which is made up of children from across the school is to help our children and community promote and act out our school Christian vision and values. They meet weekly in order to discuss aspects of our schools commitment to our vision, to work on the values for each term and to review and develop the effectiveness of our collective worships. The children are very proactive in planning and delivering collective worships, and promoting our school vision in whilst at school but also out and about in our community.
Courage Advocacy at Otterton Church of England Primary School - Our children are real agents of change, looking to make a difference in many ways. They consider and discuss change for themselves, those in their community and beyond in the Wider World.

MAT vision

The Church Schools within the Link Academy Trust aim to provide an education with four key elements which are at the heart of all that we are, enriched by our Christian traditions; Wisdom, Hope, Community and Dignity.

Our learners will be given opportunities to become independent, collaborative, creative learners who have the confidence to seek wisdom and nurture a love of learning.

Our small schools provide big opportunities to broaden learners’ horizons and prepare them for the fullness of life, through hope, aspiration and our core Christian values.

We focus on relationships and learning to live well in a wider community that can flourish together.

Central to children’s learning is respecting the worth, dignity and preciousness of each person in a safe and inclusive environment within the sight and love of God.